Fam. Perathoner Christian
Freinastr. 27
39048 Selva - Val Gardena
Tel +39 339 165 87 05
E-Mail: info@freina.it
Request availability:
Agrotourism and leisure

We are keeping cows and other little animals and we have lots of space for your children for discovering, being creative and have a good romp. There are plenty of cats and rabbits to stroke and you can also take a look inside the cowshed to see how we get the milk from our cows. Milk from our own production allows us to offer you several home made milk products like: milk, butter and buttermilk. And to complete Your breakfast we will bring fresh bread every morning.
Just relax and enjoy the mountains. Our recommendation: Romina, the young huntress would love to take you with her to show you and teach you about the wild animals and flora of our mountains. You will probably see animals like deers, chamois and marmots and if you are lucky you will maybe even see an eagle.

We are also members of Val Gardena Active that will provide for adventure holidays, to actively taste the nature with organised hiking-tours, biking, nordic walking, Yoga-courses and many other funny activities. For culture and woodcarving enthusiasts, we also offer a visit to our woodcarving-factory HEIDE, where you can see how our woodcarvings are being produced with great attention to detail.